Benefits of Outsourced IT Services for Small Businesses & Charities

The importance of high-quality IT services for small businesses is growing all the time, especially as organisations become increasingly reliant on IT systems, requiring continuous, uninterrupted access to data. This is a challenge, particularly for organisations such as charities where resources are limited and much of the workforce operates on a voluntary basis. IT services has far exceeded merely providing …

Anti-malware software Functions

What does Anti-malware software actually do?

As technology advances, integrating itself into almost every aspect of our lives- we become more accustom to providing personal and sensitive information to machines, websites, apps and emails when they request it. However, as technology evolves so do those out there trying to exploit it for there own personal gain. Therefore, it’s so important for businesses to ensure they have …

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Plan

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery, do small businesses need it?

As amazing as technology is, it’s not perfect. Systems sometimes fail, hackers find loopholes or employees make mistakes. All these events impact businesses small and large no matter the industry. Which is why BCDR (Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery) is something businesses cannot afford to disregard. While recent news stories have covered data breaches and failures impacting business giants and …