Protecting your school

Security is key. From data protection and GDPR to your reputation, no one wants to suffer an avoidable data or security breach. Security is not just about your IT systems though - most security breaches are as a result of staff falling foul to a phishing scam, and therefore it is vital you have the right tools, training and support in place to help equip your team to recognise and repel these attacks.

Remember, most cyber-attacks are not specifically targeted, they are opportunistic. Attackers just consistently target all emails, people, and systems they know about, to exploit any openings.

With tools Cygnet IT Services offer, including Password Management, staff awareness training and testing and Dark Web Monitoring, you can help protect your staff and your school.

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    Dark Web Monitoring - Proactive Protection and peace of mind

    What is Dark Web Monitoring?

    Are your staff’s credentials available on the dark web? Thousands of email addresses, passwords and other sensitive data land on the dark web every day, creating risk for your staff and your organisation - without proactive monitoring, you will not know you are vulnerable until it’s too late.

    Cygnet IT Services' Dark Web Monitoring helps protect you by actively searching for information on your systems and staff. Data leaks, breaches, and hacks across the globe constantly contribute to this data. How many websites have your details on file?

    We help find information within the Dark Web markets, data dumps and other sources, and alert you to potential trouble fast, giving you the opportunity to act before criminals do.

    Peace of mind at excellent value

    Our award-winning solution provides peace of mind. Fully integrated into our SLA backed service desk, we are here to advise and to help you react.

    Key Features and Benefits

    24/7 365 days of the year monitoring

    Real-time, analyst validated data

    Immediate security alerts


    Password Management for schools

    What is Password Management?

    Your school’s passwords are the keys to your kingdom, protecting them is a priority.

    A password management tool helps your team avoid easy-to-guess and repeated passwords. It provides a dedicated, secure place to store and retrieve both personal and shared passwords without having to remember or even know any of them. A website, browser plugins and mobile app mean your team will have instant access to the passwords they need anytime, anywhere.

    With encryption, auditing, reporting and optional two-factor authentication, Password Management puts you in control.

    Passwords are not just for IT. Alarm codes, door entry or even padlock codes all need to be stored somewhere for the relevant staff to access, why not centralize everything?

    Password Management is important

    We’ve all seen pictures of offices with passwords written on a sticky note next to a computer. Maybe your protocols for credential protection aren't as rudimentary as the “sticky note method,” but they still need to be secure enough to withstand attack and flexible enough to support remote working.

    Did you know?

    78% of attackers use stolen credentials to gain unauthorized access to business applications

    65% of end-users are using identical passwords for multiple accounts

    43% of cyberattacks target small businesses

    Our enterprise-grade password management solution gives you full control, transparency, and compliance reporting features at an affordable cost

    Convenient and Comprehensive Password Management

    • Do you have a secure, audited and controlled way of storing passwords?
    • Can you securely share passwords across your team and report on when they were accessed and who by?
    • What processes do you have in place to help employees use strong, unique passwords for every system?
    • Can you change passwords and inform everyone instantly, without writing it down?
    Our enterprise-level password management system answers all these critical questions and gives you total control of all the account logins used by your employees - on-site, online, and in the cloud.

    Benefits to your organisation

    The business advantages of having the right tool and strategy for password management go far beyond helping your employees remember their passwords. You gain a wide array of usability, data security and accountability benefits with our enterprise-level password management solution.

    Here are a few of the benefits:
    • Organisational ownership and granular control of access to your data and applications
    • Avoid time and resource wastage with centralised storage and management of passwords
    • Full visibility into what school data and applications are accessed, by whom, and when
    • Simple provisioning of new staff, providing the best tools and correct access from day one
    • Reporting in alignment with GDPR and other compliance mandates

    Social Engineering Awareness Training for your school

    What is Social Engineering Awareness Training (SEAT)?

    Social Engineering Training helps to defend against sophisticated phishing attacks and educate and train your staff to prevent a socially engineered attack.

    What is Social Engineering?

    Social engineering is a category of cyberattack that aims to trick people into sharing sensitive information that gives an attacker access to a system, physical space, or data. These attacks don’t stem from social media as some may think; social media does, however, make it easier for attackers to gather personal details to create convincing social engineering attacks.

    Ensuring staff have the tools and know-how to identify social engineering attacks can be critical to protecting your school.

    With tailored training and phishing simulations, you can make sure staff are aware and vigilant when it comes to this type of attack.

    Online training

    Cygnet’s cyber security training not only boasts a library of over 60 different modules covering subjects from phishing to GDPR, Ransomware to mobile security, but also offers the ability to deliver totally bespoke sessions.

    The included modules contain bite-sized videos followed by multiple choice quizzes to validate understanding.

    Training sessions are delivered as campaigns (a collection of modules that fit your requirement) and can be sent straight to the inbox or accessed via a personal portal.

    Training and testing your staff

    LgFL conducted a cyber security audit with schools in 2019 and found that only around a third of schools (35%) train non-IT staff in cyber security. Source:

    The Phishing simulation program will help you identify the weak areas in your team’s awareness and highlight where further training should be directed.

    Phishing emails (emails pretending to be from a trusted source) are sent from our system at predefined times to select staff and any actions taken are recorded. If staff click on any of the links or provide any information, they are notified that this was a phishing simulation and advice is provided via a short video.

    Both the training and phishing simulation programs include reporting features, enabling you to monitor staff progress and awareness.